Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Guardian Angel, The Robin

I have tried to write this blog post four separate times. Each time, I delete it because it's either too emotional, or not enough... It's a hard one to write. It's a hard one to put into meaningful and coherent words, without completely pouring out every emotion I have.


Today, I want to share with you my affection toward the red-breasted robin.

Yes, the bird. Just humor me.

This beautiful creature symbolizes the return of warmth and sun, the return of spring. Why, you ask? Well, Native American cultures believe the rosy red chest of the robin mimics the dawning sun, and its bright yellow beak shines bright like the sun's rays.

But more than any of that, the robin represents a time of renewal and new beginnings. Its happy and jubilant song carries a rhythm of cheer and lightheartedness.
My favorite color is Robin's egg blue. 
This is how I remember our dear friend, Robin. 

Through the chemo and radiation, the mood swings and raging temper. Her soul radiated joy, which kept her bald head and frozen hands warm. 

Nine years ago today, she lost her lengthy battle with breast cancer. Even though that SOB won, Robin fought harder than any MMA fighter today. She carried herself with grace and dignity to her last day... last minute.

Instead of focusing on the heavy air that fills my lungs today, I am going to rejoice Robin. For she is so much more than the cancer that overtook her body. She is every bit of the red-breasted robin I described above. 

Today, any time I see a robin, I think of my Robin. That little birdy singing its happy song fills my heart with so much joy and gratitude... that I got to know her.... witness and receive her selfless love. 

That little bird... that fella is my spirit animal. My guardian angel. 

Thank you, Robin, for all that you gave me, my mom, our family. You were a part of the best years of my life, and for that, I will be forever grateful.

Those who have been ransomed by the LORD will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness - Isaiah 51:11


1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness sweetie. you are so right...talking about emotions is hard...especially when they're sad. but you've done it so beautifully here. a loving tribute to our sweet friend. and now i'll think of you AND her whenever i see a robin the front yard.

    it's hard to believe that she's been gone so long. hard sometimes remembering how sweet those years you said - some of the best times of my life too. but even still, i know robin would be so proud of the beautiful, brave young woman you've become.
