Sunday, September 7, 2014

Is That Weird?

Honestly, this could be a series for a bunch of random things about me that are weird. But the thing that I am going to talk about today, I honestly did not think was that weird!

One night this week, I was hanging out at a friend's house. We were just chit chatting and I mentioned that I was excited that I bought a new book! To which my lovely friend said, "Wait, you read? Like for fun?"


"Yeah... is that weird?" I asked, kinda nervous that I just made myself look like a total nerd. But my question is, when did reading become weird??

Don't get me wrong, I hate reading for school. There is nothing worse than reading a text book for two hours. I get it. But reading a funny book for pleasure? That's fun!

We may have different ideas of fun.

I'm not an avid reader by any means. I don't go to Barnes & Noble and just search for the next great book. I really like reading popular fiction and celebrity's books. Mindy Kaling's book? Awesome. Read it in Malibu. Hunger Games? Read all three in a week.

I'm an unusually fast reader. Thanks, mom.

The book I had just bought was Tina Fey's Bossypants. I read the entire thing in three days. The next day, I went and bought Ellen DeGenerous' Seriously... I'm Kidding. I'm still reading it, but I will let you know how it is!

I guess I get my love of reading from my mom. I always remember her reading me bedtime stories when I was younger, and it was mostly a rotation of Mercer Mayer's Little Critter series and the Berenstain Bears

If you didn't read these books, you had no childhood.

But also, she is always reading at least two books at one time. How? No idea. But she was always doing it, so I just grew up accustomed to that being a valid form of entertainment. 

I have a vivid memory of her at our old house in Owasso. It was after dinner and she was nestled in one of our big burgundy chairs, that we still have today, reading The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. 

Scarlett Johansons starred in the movie remake.

I was playing on the carpet in the living room (this was, like, 12 years ago) when I heard her giggle. I looked up and she was just giggling away at the book. I asked her what was so funny, and she just shook her head and said the book, then kept reading. 

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

I'm not sure why I remember that, but I love it. There have been times that I've been reading and laughing out loud, and I just think, "Oh God, I am turning into my mother".

So yeah, I like to read. I like to read fun books. Light-hearted books. And if that makes me weird, then so be it. There are much weirder things about me to be worried about, LOL.


1 comment:

  1. a couple of things...
    1) i distinctly remember a conversation once where you said you hated reading for fun. so i'm glad you've finally come over to my side.
    2) i love that you remember randomly funny things about me.
    3) some of my very favorite memories with you are reading to you before bed when you were a little girl.
    4) that 'i'm turning into my mother' thing? yeah...get used to it. ;)

