Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Year in Review | 2014

This was a year of friendship. 
Some old, some new... both appreciated. 
This was a year of work. Hard, hard work. 
Sometimes overwhelming, always rewarding. 
This was a year of "work hard, play harder".
Never play too hard before work, though. 
This was a year of love and new beginnings.
Wishing my friends an abundance of love and happiness 'til death do you part. 
This was a year of travel and new adventures. 
This was a year of family.
This was a year of finding myself. Of illuminating my path in life. Of finally loving me. 
Thank you, 2014.

Monday, November 3, 2014

He Showed Me

he showed me how to play guitar and piano.
Photo Cred:
he showed me what to do in case of a tornado.
stand outside, obviously. 
he showed me how to throw a football.
he showed me how to change a flat tire. 
he showed me how to drive. 
he showed me how to measure the pool chemicals. 
he showed me the importance of taking pride in one's accomplishments, while remaining humble & grateful.
he showed me how to remain fair and dignified in the face of adversity.
he showed me what it means to be a hard worker and bask in the fruits of one's labors. 
he showed me what a loving husband and father is supposed to be. 
he continues to show me an unspeakable kind of love that only exists between a father and his daughter. 
Today starts Padre's birthday week and therefore, he is my #MCM.

I hope you have a great week, Padre, celebrating your awesomeness. I can't wait to see you Saturday. 

I love you mucho.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Weekend Update | Halloween


Sorry, I just had to get that out of the way.

I've come to the realization that I'm not a very good blogger. All I've posted for the past like month, maybe two, are weekend updates. I pinky promise to do another post this week, really. 

This week has been totally crazy, and for the first time it's not because of school or work. Don't get me wrong, those were really busy too. This week was busy for purely social reasons.

I don't consider myself a social butterfly. In fact, I much prefer staying in and sleeping haha, but with it being a holiday weekend, I thought I should get out of my homebody rut and just go out. 
I'm following my vision board, mom.

Let me give you a breakdown of my weekend:

  • Turned paper in
  • Ran errands for internship 
  • Charming Charlie GNO at Sooner Corral & Campus Corner 9:30pm -2am

  • Slept in until 10:30am
  • Worked out
  • Charming Charlie 5pm - 9pm
  • Campus Corner with friends 9:45pm - 2am
  • Charming Charlie 10:30am -3:30 pm
  • Worked wedding 4 -11pm
  • BFF's Halloween party 11:45pm - 2am

  • Charming Charlie 8am-12pm
My costumes were totally subpar. I didn't even have one Saturday night. People kept asking me what I was supposed to be and all I wanted to say was, "a tired college intern" haha

To say I'm tired would be a GIANT understatement. But, I kinda love it. I know these are the things that I'm going to remember when I'm 50. 

For now, though, I'm totally happy to go back to my normal self and relax at home :) 


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Weekend Update

Oh, hi there.

So uh... yeah. Who's the worst blogger ever? That would be me.

No excuses this time. I just simply did not feel like writing anything. Nope. 

It's at this point in the semester where days and weeks start to melt together. For example, on Friday I was fully convinced it was Saturday. 'Twas not.

My focus and energy is 110% going towards school and work. Trying to keep my head above water. If I stop for a second to breath, I know I'm gonna lose all motivation. I just gotta keep truckin' along and I will eventually make it to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Lately I've been doing my homework in the new basement of the library. Have you been there? It's really nice. There's tons of tables and comfy chairs and CHARGERS. OMG y'all, why has it taken this long for them to put more charger stations in? 

My only complaint is that the Starbucks down there doesn't accept my Starbuck's account as a method of payment. Yup. The first day I got coffee there, I went to scan my phone and the dude was all, "Oh, sorry... you can't use that here." 

I know my face said it all. How dare you, coffee dude, deny me the use of my Starbucks card to purchase the coffee that will give me life today.

Mind you, it was 8 am. If you know me personally, you know I'm not pleasant before... like... 10 am. So poor coffee dude got a nice little bitch face bright and early.

The whole point of me talking about the library is to poke fun at the freshman who think they are busy. HAHAHA. Oh, freshman. You are so sweet. Please tell me more about how Intro to Psych is killing you and how you really wish you could go home, since it's been a whole two weeks.

This has been a very sassy post... my apologies. 

To make up for my absence, I really tried to use a lot of fun gifs to make it more interesting for you to read! I hope it helps a little bit.

I'm not sure when you will hear from me again, friends. I'm entering "20 page paper due Thursday" mode, so communication with me shall be slim. But don't fret, I'll update you about how that process goes soon :)


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekend Update | OU/TX Weekend

Ok, so that's out of the way.

As every single on of you know, this past weekend was OU/TX.

Or TX/OU for those silly Texans.

Thankfully, OU pulled out a win! It might not have been the prettiest win ever, but I am no complaining, no sir. I'm pumped!!! And for my last year as a student?? Nothing says "happy graduation" like us kicking some nasty Longhorn bootay!

You know, it's crazy to think that this was my last OU/TX as a student. I've been fortunate enough to be able to attend every game that I've been a student here. Every year, I'm excited, obviously. But this year, I got a little emotional! This was my last game as a student... next year, I'll be an alumni. 

Excuse me while i go cry in the corner.
Seriously, talk about #transformationtuesday
That's a whole other blog post.

From the beginning, I made this blog to reflect on my senior year, as an online journal kind of... I want to be able to look back and remember all the crazy, fun and stressful things that happened. The totally awesome moments that made my stomach hurt from laughing & the sentimental things that hit my heart a bit more.

Well, I want to put this blog post in bold. I want to remember my last OU/TX. The stadium... The fair & food... The people I went with... Singing the Alma Mater... The laughs & giggles... Everything. I know that in 20 years, geez in 5 years, I'm going to want to relive this weekend over and over again.   

However, I feel like I have a week's worth of sleep to catch up on. I may turn into a zombie like the walkers in Walking Dead...

Terrible segue alert

Tonight is the season premiere of the Walking Dead!! OMG guys. As I'm typing this, I'm watching the premiere and HOLY CRAP. It's not even 10 minutes in and I'm totally grossed out yet totally enthralled. 

If there's typos, that is why. 

Before I go further, I have to say my roommate introduced me to the show. She was binge-watching it sophomore year, so I joined her one day... and I never looked back. In fact, she nearly killed me because I started watching the episode she had paused without her being there... 

But now, it's the final season and I couldn't be happier!! Oh guys, it's just came back from commercial, so I'm gonna let you go now. Thanks for reading this update and I hope you have the bestest week ever.
