Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Roommate Tag

Oooooo I'm excited about this post, y'all.

Instead of the weekend update, I have something a lot more fun!

I've had the same roommate all four years of college. I would say we need each other preeetttty well.

We've both ugly cried in front of the other. There's nothing more to hide.

I thought it would be fun to test our knowledge with the roommate tag! Some people post videos on YouTube, but I don't quite think I'm ready for that commitment yet. 

Instead, we printed out the questions and wrote our responses to them. 

Things to take into consideration:
  • Both of us should have been studying/writing a paper. 
  • Giving the other a hard time is how we show affection
  • We really do love each other, kinda. 

We seriously had so much fun doing this haha we were laughing the entire time! If you have a roommate you should totally do this with them.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekend Update

I guess since this is the second Sunday in in a row that I'm posting about my week, I should give it a formal name. I now present to you:

*Drum roll pleeeeasssseeee*

The Weekend Update
If you said "oooooooo... aaahhh" in your head, I give you 100 cool points.

Well, I can tell you that the stress of last week is not going anywhere, any time soon. I think it's gonna be hanging around for a bit... and by bit I mean all semester.

The thing is, when you look at it on paper the computer, it doesn't seem like my life should be too stressful!
  1. 15 hours class
  2. 15 hours at work/week
  3. Internship (stay at home)
But my Lord, when everything comes together it's like...

No one told me senior year was this stressful. Not a single soul. 

I blame you.


But really.

In all seriousness, this week was a good week. I started my new internship as social media manager for a local wedding planner, I rocked out two papers & quiz and even fit in time to hang out with some friends!
My god-dog, Mazy Mae
Now, I am gonna just breeeeeeeze over the emotional breakdown I had Monday, because no ones likes reading about that stuff.

But, I will mention the awesome care package my mom sent me :)

I'm gonna sign off now and write my literature review for PR research. And my Crisis Vulnerability Assessment for Crisis Communication. 

Stop. Don't. I know you're jealous.

Until next time,
I couldn't resist. 


Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Guardian Angel, The Robin

I have tried to write this blog post four separate times. Each time, I delete it because it's either too emotional, or not enough... It's a hard one to write. It's a hard one to put into meaningful and coherent words, without completely pouring out every emotion I have.


Today, I want to share with you my affection toward the red-breasted robin.

Yes, the bird. Just humor me.

This beautiful creature symbolizes the return of warmth and sun, the return of spring. Why, you ask? Well, Native American cultures believe the rosy red chest of the robin mimics the dawning sun, and its bright yellow beak shines bright like the sun's rays.

But more than any of that, the robin represents a time of renewal and new beginnings. Its happy and jubilant song carries a rhythm of cheer and lightheartedness.
My favorite color is Robin's egg blue. 
This is how I remember our dear friend, Robin. 

Through the chemo and radiation, the mood swings and raging temper. Her soul radiated joy, which kept her bald head and frozen hands warm. 

Nine years ago today, she lost her lengthy battle with breast cancer. Even though that SOB won, Robin fought harder than any MMA fighter today. She carried herself with grace and dignity to her last day... last minute.

Instead of focusing on the heavy air that fills my lungs today, I am going to rejoice Robin. For she is so much more than the cancer that overtook her body. She is every bit of the red-breasted robin I described above. 

Today, any time I see a robin, I think of my Robin. That little birdy singing its happy song fills my heart with so much joy and gratitude... that I got to know her.... witness and receive her selfless love. 

That little bird... that fella is my spirit animal. My guardian angel. 

Thank you, Robin, for all that you gave me, my mom, our family. You were a part of the best years of my life, and for that, I will be forever grateful.

Those who have been ransomed by the LORD will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness - Isaiah 51:11


Friday, September 12, 2014

My Week

Ya'll, this week was one for the books. I'm not sure I have ever been so stressed, ever. Totally not being melodramatic, I swear.

Why all the stress, Kels?? It's not even midterms yet!

Well, since you asked, I shall explain the contributing factors
  • WORK | This past week or so has been a total floor set to make way for the new fall collections. That means I worked 20+ hours, instead of my usual 12-15. I'm not complaining, truly, because I love my job! I just really, strongly dislike floor set.
Floor set: The process of rearranging all the goods in a store to give a fresh appearance, often according to a planogram.
  • CLASS | For some reason, all my teachers decided that this week should be the week that they assign papers and deadlines and tests and journals and research and readings and meetings and BREATHE. PR is no joke, amigos. Even buzzfeed agrees! 
See #10.

That's a post for another day.

  • LIFE | Ok, ok... so I did this to myself. For some reason, I decided it would be best to schedule all my appointments and meetings for this week after all my classes. My advice? Don't. It will make you crazy.
I am happy to report I had only one major anxiety attack this week. Sunday night, I just laid in bed, thinking about everything I had to do & when I could sneak in a meal, and before you know it, I'm having a full on anxiety attack. 

Again, a blog post for another day.

I am thrilled to report it's FRIDAY and I survived this hellish week! After I post this, I'm gonna go workout and then finish up some last minute homework before heading to work. Then tomorrow, it's football time, baby!

Talk to you soon.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Is That Weird?

Honestly, this could be a series for a bunch of random things about me that are weird. But the thing that I am going to talk about today, I honestly did not think was that weird!

One night this week, I was hanging out at a friend's house. We were just chit chatting and I mentioned that I was excited that I bought a new book! To which my lovely friend said, "Wait, you read? Like for fun?"


"Yeah... is that weird?" I asked, kinda nervous that I just made myself look like a total nerd. But my question is, when did reading become weird??

Don't get me wrong, I hate reading for school. There is nothing worse than reading a text book for two hours. I get it. But reading a funny book for pleasure? That's fun!

We may have different ideas of fun.

I'm not an avid reader by any means. I don't go to Barnes & Noble and just search for the next great book. I really like reading popular fiction and celebrity's books. Mindy Kaling's book? Awesome. Read it in Malibu. Hunger Games? Read all three in a week.

I'm an unusually fast reader. Thanks, mom.

The book I had just bought was Tina Fey's Bossypants. I read the entire thing in three days. The next day, I went and bought Ellen DeGenerous' Seriously... I'm Kidding. I'm still reading it, but I will let you know how it is!

I guess I get my love of reading from my mom. I always remember her reading me bedtime stories when I was younger, and it was mostly a rotation of Mercer Mayer's Little Critter series and the Berenstain Bears

If you didn't read these books, you had no childhood.

But also, she is always reading at least two books at one time. How? No idea. But she was always doing it, so I just grew up accustomed to that being a valid form of entertainment. 

I have a vivid memory of her at our old house in Owasso. It was after dinner and she was nestled in one of our big burgundy chairs, that we still have today, reading The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. 

Scarlett Johansons starred in the movie remake.

I was playing on the carpet in the living room (this was, like, 12 years ago) when I heard her giggle. I looked up and she was just giggling away at the book. I asked her what was so funny, and she just shook her head and said the book, then kept reading. 

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

I'm not sure why I remember that, but I love it. There have been times that I've been reading and laughing out loud, and I just think, "Oh God, I am turning into my mother".

So yeah, I like to read. I like to read fun books. Light-hearted books. And if that makes me weird, then so be it. There are much weirder things about me to be worried about, LOL.
