Monday, November 3, 2014

He Showed Me

he showed me how to play guitar and piano.
Photo Cred:
he showed me what to do in case of a tornado.
stand outside, obviously. 
he showed me how to throw a football.
he showed me how to change a flat tire. 
he showed me how to drive. 
he showed me how to measure the pool chemicals. 
he showed me the importance of taking pride in one's accomplishments, while remaining humble & grateful.
he showed me how to remain fair and dignified in the face of adversity.
he showed me what it means to be a hard worker and bask in the fruits of one's labors. 
he showed me what a loving husband and father is supposed to be. 
he continues to show me an unspeakable kind of love that only exists between a father and his daughter. 
Today starts Padre's birthday week and therefore, he is my #MCM.

I hope you have a great week, Padre, celebrating your awesomeness. I can't wait to see you Saturday. 

I love you mucho.


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